Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_d/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_c/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_2/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_8/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_5/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_7/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_0/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_9/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_e/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_3/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_a/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_4/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_6/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_f/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642

Warning: opendir(/home/xalqcebhesiaz/cache/cache_b/): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /opt/php7/lib/php/Cache/Lite.php on line 642
Dünya Bankı hesabat yayıb

Dünya Bankı hesabat yayıb Dünya

Dünya Bankı hesabat yayıb

"Rusiyada iqtisadi tənəzzül yaşanır"

Rusiyada iqtisadi tənəzzül yaşanır. Bu ölkədə ÜDM artımı 1,3%-dək enib, halbuki 2012-ci ildə müvafiq göstərici 3,4% olub. APA-nın məlumatına görə, bu barədə Dünya Bankı mütəxəssislərinin Rusiya iqtisadiyyatına dair yeni hesabatında deyilir.
Hesabat martın 26-da Moskvada təqdim olunub. Ekspertlər qeyd edir ki, genişmiqyaslı kompleks struktur islahatlarına diqqətin yetərsizliyi iş adamlarının və istehlakçıların etimadının azalmasına gətirib çıxarıb. Krımdakı son olaylar isə ona gətirib çıxarıb ki, etimad problemləri böhrana çevrilib və mövcud artım modelinin çatışmazlığını qabardıb.